Thursday 29 June 2023

Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s – Is Thinning Hair Normal?

 Hair loss is commonly associated with aging, but it can also affect individuals in their 20s and 30s. Thinning hair at a young age can be distressing and raise concerns about underlying health issues. In this blog, we will explore the causes of hair loss in your 20s and 30s, whether it is considered normal, and potential treatment options. However, insights have been taken from Dr. Swati Agarwal, renowned medical expert for hair fall treatment in Faridabad.

hair fall treatment in Faridabad

Understanding Hair Loss in Your 20s and 30s

Hair loss in your 20s and 30s can be attributed to various factors, including:

  • Genetic Propensity

Androgenetic alopecia, one of the main causes of hair loss, is inherited. The sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that results from this disorder can be handed down through generations, causing hair thinning and eventual loss.

  • Imbalances in Hormones

Young adult hormonal fluctuations may be a factor in hair loss. For instance, hormonal imbalances involving testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones can interfere with the cycle of hair growth and cause hair loss or thinning.

  • Lifestyle and Stress Factors

Poor nutrition, insufficient sleep, improper lifestyle choices, and high levels of stress can all have an adverse effect on hair health. These elements may interfere with the regular cycle of hair growth, which may result in greater hair loss or diminished hair density.

  • Scalp Conditions

Inflammation and hair loss can result from some scalp disorders such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or fungal infections. If untreated, this may cause short-term or long-term hair loss.

Is Thinning Hair Normal in Your 20s and 30s? 

While some hair thinning is normal among people in their 20s and 30s, it is important to distinguish between regular hair shedding and significant hair loss. Due to the continual replacement of lost hair by new hair, daily hair loss of up to 100 percent is considered typical. To find out the underlying cause, however, it may be worthwhile to see a doctor or dermatologist if you observe a considerable increase in hair loss or obvious thinning.

Treatment Options for Hair Loss

If you are experiencing hair loss in your 20s or 30s, several treatment options can help address the issue:

  • Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Adopting a balanced diet, managing stress levels, getting regular exercise, and ensuring adequate sleep can contribute to overall hair health.

  • Medications: FDA-approved medications like minoxidil and finasteride can be effective in slowing down hair loss and promoting hair regrowth. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional before using any medications.

  • Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical hair restoration treatments include Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC), Mesotherapy, Derma Roller Treatment. Also, some other options are Hair Fiber Powders, Laser Combs, and Hairpieces to help bald people get an ideal solution.

  • Hair Weaving

Hair weaving is a nonsurgical method of covering a bald spot with a patch of real human hair. The patch is meticulously attached to make sure that it fuses with the existing hair. You get natural-looking hair with a set appearance after this technique.

  • Hair Transplant 

Hair transplant is a surgical treatment that primarily involves removing hair from a place on the body that is resistant to hair loss and transplanting it to a bald spot. It can repair scars from accidents or surgeries like facelifts or prior hair transplants, as well as restore eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard hair.

Read more:-   Hair Fall - Causes And Treatments For Men

Ideal Candidate for Treatment 

  • Recognizes and Admits Hair Loss

The candidate must be aware of their hair loss and how it affects their quality of life and self-esteem. Early intervention and proactive treatment seeking can improve outcomes.

  • Has Stable Hair Loss:

It's critical that the candidate's hair loss is either stable or just beginning. Early intervention for hair loss can decrease its progression and even save existing hair.

  • Commits to Treatment and Lifestyle Changes

The ideal applicant is committed to adhering to the prescribed course of therapy, which may include medication, lifestyle modifications, or other interventions. The key to getting good results is consistency and compliance.

  • Has Realistic Expectations

The ideal candidate is aware that personal results may vary and that hair loss treatments may not completely restore one's hair. They set reasonable goals and are happy with the advancements in hair density, thickness, and general appearance.

By taking these into account, people may decide if they are good candidates for hair loss treatment and take the required actions to properly address their hair loss concerns.


Skin Clinic in Faridabad

Experiencing hair loss in the age of 20s and 30s can be disheartening, but it is essential to understand that it is not uncommon. Identifying the underlying cause of hair loss and seeking appropriate treatment can help address the issue and potentially slow down or reverse hair loss. Consulting with a healthcare professional or dermatologist expert in hair loss treatment will provide personalised guidance and the most suitable treatment options for the specific situation. Regarding this one in Delhi NCR can visit Skination Clinic, a skin clinic in Faridabad, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Swati Agarwal.

Friday 2 June 2023

Manage Acne Scar With Chemical Peels

 Acne in the form of scars leaves marks on the face. Few mile acne scars disappear with time, but some become stubborn. Acne scars are difficult to go by anti-mark creams and hard to hide using makeups and are beauty and self-confidence spoilers. A chemical peel is one of Delhi's most considerable treatments for acne scars. 

acne scar treatment

As a result, in this blog of Skination Clinic, Dr Swati Agarwal- a renowned dermatologist for
acne scar treatment in South Delhi, will address using chemical peels for acne scar treatment.

Types of Acne Scars 

Acne scars are of different types. Some most popular ones are underneath:

  • Atrophic Scars

Flat, shallow depressions known as atrophic scars are raised after they have healed beneath the epidermis. 

  • Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are brought on by severe acne, chicken pox, or varicella, a virus resulting in a red, itchy, and blistered rash.

  • Ice pick Scars

Ice pick scars are more minor, more angular indentations that protrude downward from the skin's surface. On the cheeks, these scars are prevalent.

  • Rolling Scars

Rolling scars have varied depths and sloping borders, giving the skin an uneven, wavelike appearance.

  • Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars

Hypertrophic and keloid scars appear where the acne once was as raised lumps of scar tissue. This occurs when scar tissue, perhaps from prior acne spots, accumulates. 

Chemical Peel Treatment for Acne Scar and Other Skin Disorders

A chemical peel is a non-invasive skin resurfacing procedure. In this procedure, the chemical solution is applied to the outermost skin layers, which peels off the diseases or debris containing the outer layer away. Chemical peel reveals smoother, brighter, and more even-toned skin. It is effectively helpful to treat various skin conditions, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne, age spots, and uneven pigmentation. 

Types of Chemical Peel 

There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from mild to profound, and the type used will depend on the individual's skin type and desired results. 

  • Glycolic acid- for normal and oily skin types

  • Salicylic acid- To clear up clogged pores on greasy and acne-prone skin.

  • Lactic acid- for lightening dark spots and benefiting all skin types.

  • Mandelic acid- For all skin types and darker skin tones, especially when addressing big pores.

  • Phytic acid- For sensitivity and post-inflammatory hyperpigmented skin.

Depending upon the acne type and infected area, a chemical peel is applied on the face, neck, hands, and other areas of the body under the guidance of a trained skin expert.

Ideal Candidate for Using Chemical Peel for Acne Scar Treatment 

Anyone over the age of 18 or older who has acne scars is a good candidate for chemical peel treatment for acne scars But the below-mentioned candidates are not suitable for using the chemical peel for acne scar treatment:

  • a background of unusual skin scars

  • a complexion or skin tone that is inherently dark

  • a propensity for your scars to become too pigmented

  • used specific acne medications in the past year

  • skin issues or drugs that make skin more sensitive than usual

One should consult an expert dermatologist to validate their candidacy for chemical peel treatment. 

Recovery after Considering Chemical Peeling for Acne Scar Removal 

It's crucial to properly care for the skin following a chemical peel for acne scar removal in order to promote optimum healing and lower the chance of problems. Following consideration of chemical peel for acne scar removal, consider the following healing advice:

  • Follow Aftercare Instructions

A skin doctor will provide detailed aftercare instructions, including how to care for the treated area, what products to use, and what to avoid. To promote appropriate recovery, it's crucial to adhere to these guidelines closely.

  • Avoid Sun-Exposure

A chemical peel may make the skin more sensitive to the sun, so avoid exposure. When going outside, it's crucial to avoid direct sunlight, wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

  • Moisturise the skin regularly.

Not using moisturiser on the skin could make it feel dry and tight after a chemical peel. One can calm and hydrate the skin by using a mild, non-comedogenic moisturiser.

  • Avoid Picking or Scrubbing

Refrain from picking or scrubbing the skin because it might irritate and prolong the healing process.

  • Stay Hydrated

Getting enough water can help the skin stay hydrated and encourage healing.

  • Avoid Makeup

Doctors would advise against wearing makeup for a specific time following the treatment. 

  • Be Patient

After a chemical peel, it may take several days to weeks for the skin to completely recover. Allow the skin to heal at its rate, and exercise patience.

During the healing process, following up with your dermatologist if you have any worries or queries is crucial. They can advise you on correct aftercare and monitor your recovery process to achieve the best outcomes.

Anyone seeking non-invasive acne scar treatment can consider chemical peel and visit Skination Clinic- a renowned Best Skin clinic in chhattarpur and consult the treatment, including acne scar treatment costs in South Delhi with Dr Swati Agarwal.