Friday 19 April 2024

Understanding the Causes of Stretch Marks and How to Treat Them

 Have you ever wondered what causes stretch marks to appear on your skin? Stretch marks are a common condition that affects both men and women of all ages. These are set in streaks that show up on your stomach, breasts, hips, and thighs. However, worry not. Dr. Swati Agarwal, dermatologist at Skination Clinic, offers advanced Stretch mark treatment in Faridabad to help you address this concern effectively. In this blog, she will be discussing the causes of stretch marks and effective treatments to help you achieve smoother skin. 

What Are The Causes Of Stretch Marks? 

Stretch marks occur when your body quickly grows for any reason, and your skin can't stretch enough to keep up. This results in the formation of fine lines or streaks on skin which can vary in colors from pink to purple to silver. 

How To Treat Stretch Marks? 

It may be challenging to remove or eliminate stretch marks, but unfortunately there are various treatment options available to help you improve their appearance. Some of the treatments include. 

  • Tropical Retinoid Therapy 

Some people find that tretinoin (a retinoid) or retinol works better for them than other products. If you apply it in the early stages every night for 24 weeks, it helps to make it less noticeable. However, the cream has some side effects if not used as directed. 

  • Excimer Laser Therapy 

The excimer laser therapy exposes stretch marks to targeted ultraviolet- B (UVB) light. A study showed that it’s safe and can be treated over 1 to 4 months, which helps to treat pigmented problems caused by stretch marks. 

  • Fractional Co2 Laser Therapy 

It is a new treatment that smooths out old, white stretch marks. One study showed that individuals’s stretch marks fade after a few treatment sessions compared to those who used topical creams with glycolic acid and tretinoin.  

Who is the best doctor for stretch marks treatment?

If you are struggling with stretch marks and seeking effective treatment. You can consider visiting Dr. Swati Agarwal at the Skination Clinic. The best Skin Clinic in Faridabad uses the Excimer Laser, topical lotions, and PRP and microneedling procedure for stretch marks management. The procedure removes thin layers of skin around the marks through high-energy ultraviolet rays and PRP and microneedling remove the scars and rejuvenate the skin. 

Schedule a consultation today at the Skination Clinic for more details. 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

6 Common Misconceptions About Laser Hair Reduction Discussed

 The traditional hair removal method is a time-consuming process that can cause irritation in various circumstances. Waxing, shaving, and tweezing are helpful for temporarily removing hair, but they are not permanent solutions. 

Does Laser Hair Reduction technique help?

Laser hair reduction is the most advanced and popular treatment that offers an effective, quick, and long-term hair removal solution. This procedure can be performed on any body part that has unwanted hair. Even though this method does not completely remove unwanted hair, it does result in an 80–90% reduction, and the newly grown hair is less visible and less dense.

Laser Hair Reduction

Despite being the most popular hair removal method, many people are not fully aware of the procedure and there are many myths that linger among them. So, to clear all the doubts and to help readers gain the right and authentic knowledge about laser hair reduction procedures. We have gathered insights from Dr. Swati Agarwal, a renowned dermatologist who has expertise in providing the best laser hair removal in Chhattarpur at her dermatology and laser clinic, Skination. 

Myth 1: Laser Hair Reduction Treatment Takes Too Long

Fact: Patients are usually advised to schedule follow-up sessions every 6 to 8 weeks. Generally, only four treatment sessions are sufficient to eradicate 90% of all undesired hair. This indicates that one can see the results in a month or two, depending on the number of sessions they require. The number of sessions one requires depends on factors such as the type of hair, density of hair, area to be treated, etc. It could also depend on a patient’s financial condition and their capacity to pay for additional treatments, if required.

Myth 2: The Cost of Laser Hair Reduction Is Just Too High 

Fact: The total cost of laser hair reduction does go up with each session. Nonetheless, the size of the treatment area also affects the cost. Wider areas, like the back and stomach, will cost more than smaller areas, like the chin or upper lips. But one must understand that laser hair removal is a one time investment because it provides results for up to a year or more. In some cases, one might require laser hair removal again. On the other hand, traditional hair removal methods require monthly expenses to remove hair from different parts of the body.

Myth 3: The Hair Grows More Frequently and Becomes Denser after Laser Hair Reduction

Fact: Laser hair reduction does not cause hair to grow thicker after the treatment sessions. In fact, each session of laser hair removal should result in a 10 to 25% reduction in hair growth. With subsequent sessions, the hair's density, thickness, and growth rate all noticeably decrease, and the hair that eventually grows back is usually much lighter and finer than before. Because of this, regions that were troublesome in the past might not be as much of an issue once hair grows back.

Myth 4: The Hair Grows Back After Childbirth

Fact: It is normal to have a few hairs grow back, even after completing a course of laser hair removal treatment prior to getting pregnant. A change in the body's hormone levels after giving birth may cause dormant follicles to begin producing hair, but this usually results in one or two undetectable hairs. 

This is because it is practically impossible to target all the hair follicles during the course of treatment. Women can opt for a few more laser hair removal sessions to get rid of them as well. However, it is ideal for women who have given birth to wait to start top-up treatments until their hormone levels are normal.

Myth 5: Laser Hair Reduction is Only Available to Women

Fact: According to a survey, men and women share similar concerns regarding hair removal. One can prevent thick, coarse, and ingrown hair with this procedure. Men can also get this treatment done, as the laser hair reduction technology targets all kinds of hair, from light to thick. Therefore, male patients also experience life-changing benefits from laser hair removal.

Myth 6: Laser Hair Removal is Painful

Fact: Each person has a unique pain threshold and experiences different sensations. As such, it is challenging to predict what each patient will go through during treatment. Some people just feel tingling, while many find the first session to be horrifying. Because the process takes place over several sessions, laser hair removal is not more painful than waxing. 

It does not cause bleeding and is safer, faster, and more efficient than waxing. People who are frightened by the treatment might get relaxed knowing that there are a few options to minimize discomfort. These include adjusting the laser's settings, applying specially formulated lotions, and using a cool-air fan (usually built into the device).

Read More:-

Opt for Laser Hair Reduction to Achieve A Smoother Hair Free Skin!

Hope we were able to clear up all the important myths related to laser hair removal procedures. If anyone has more doubts and wants to learn more about the procedure, they can visit the Skination Clinic, renowned as the best skin clinic in Chhattarpur

best skin clinic in Chhattarpur

At the clinic the laser hair reduction treatment is performed by experts. They have the best technology to remove unwanted hair safely. So what are you waiting for, book your appointment now!

Monday 29 January 2024

Is Your Acne Itchy? Here’s What It Means– And How To Deal

 Touching your face with acne is a big no-no in dermatology! So, when picking up acne is considered bad, then what should I do? How do you resist scratching itchy acne? Though acne can be painful to treat, itchy acne is the ultimate skincare inconvenience. In this condition, the usual temptation to touch your face rises when your pimples feel like a rash. Touching your face has a higher chance of spreading bacteria and perpetuating acne, bringing life to whole new itchy pimples.

If you are stuck with itchy acne, you are in the right place to seek knowledge. We have come up with this blog after being in talks with Dr. Swati Agarwal, one of the top doctors for acne treatment in South Delhi. Here, you can gather all the information on how to treat acne breakouts when you’ve recently got an itch that just won’t quit. So, let’s start!

Itchy Acne: Causes & Symptoms 

Any acne you have can become itchy. As per the reports, 70% of patients with acne reported itching.


  • Itchy acne may look like red bumps or patches on your skin.

  • They may also appear as whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts, depending on the type of acne you are affected by.

  • The skin underneath the acne may appear dry, flaking, or cracking.


Various factors can play a role in the development of itchy acne. The most common ones are:

  • Dry Skin: Dry skin is more itchy than any other type of skin. So, if you have dry skin, you are most likely to experience itchy acne when you get a breakout.

  • Excessive Sweating: Never heard of sweat pimples before? Well, they do exist! When you leave sweat on your skin for too long, it blocks your pores and results in red or pink bumps.

Once you get acne in an area exposed to sweat, it can become irritated the next time you exercise or go out in hot, humid weather. Indicating excessive sweating is not only limited to resulting in itchy acne but can also make matters worse.

  • Sun Exposure: Too much sun exposure can also make your skin dry and itchy. In cases of breakout, when you find yourself spending a lot of time outside, you may consider sunlight to be the cause of itchy acne.

  • Natural Healing Process: When your body starts to repair itself, it sheds old layers of skin and replaces them with new skin cells. This step is necessary to heal blemishes and make your skin appear better. However, the other side is that it can make your skin itchy, too.

What to Do About Itchy Acne?

It is best not to ignore your itchy acne. You can look out for the following ways to get rid of itchy acne:

  • Be gentle with your skin.

  • Protect your skin from the sun.

  • Avoid scratching or picking pimples.

  • Consult the doctor and get your treatment done.

Treatments for Acne

There are three types of acne treatments:

  • Oral Medications

  • Topical Medications

  • Medical Procedures: Chemical Peels, Q-Switch Lasers, Fractional Laser, Micro-needling, Micro-needling radio frequency, Intralesional Injections, Pla-te-let Rich Pl-as-ma.

In Conclusion

Itchy acne is usually not serious, and you may be able to treat it with home remedies. However, if your skin continues to itch and the condition doesn’t improve, it is best to consult one of the best dermatologists to plan your treatment and expect clear skin in return.

One can consult Dr. Swati Agarwal, the best dermatologist in Chhattarpur, at Skination Clinic. She holds an overall 16+ years of experience in providing successful treatments to her patients. She is considered a proficient dermatologist, cosmetologist, and dermatosurgeon. If you wish to plan your treatment, consult her today by visiting the Skination Clinic in Chhattarpur.

Saturday 30 September 2023

Dark Patches On The Skin- How Can They Be Treated?

 Everyone dreams for clear and glowing skin. But due to factors like extreme sun-exposure, and hormonal imbalance, many face dark spots on their skin. These different shapes of dark spots on the skin are the pigmentation stubborn to go by themselves. Pigmentation spots are  usually harmless. But they affect appearances which results in losing self-esteem and confidence. 

pigmentation treatment

In this blog, we will explore what causes dark patches on the skin and delve into various treatments and remedies to help you achieve a more even complexion. Meanwhile, reference to create this blog has been taken from skin experts of pigmentation treatment in South Delhi. Let’s start with understanding what pigmentation is.

What is Pigmentation?

Pigmentation refers to the darkening of patches of skin due to an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin, hair, and eye colour. It can occur in various forms, including:

  • Melasma: Commonly known as the "pregnancy mask," melasma is triggered by hormonal changes and often affects pregnant women. It results in dark patches, typically on the face.

Melasma Treatment

  • Sunspots (Solar Lentigines): These are caused by prolonged sun exposure and appear as flat, brownish spots on areas frequently exposed to the sun.

  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): This occurs after skin injuries or inflammation, such as acne, cuts, or burns, and can leave dark spots once the injury heals.

  • Age Spots (Lentigines): These are small, dark spots that often appear on areas frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face and hands, as we age.

  • Freckles: Freckles are hereditary and can darken with sun exposure.

  • Freckles treatment

After understanding the different types of pigmentation let's learn about various treatments and remedies to address these skin concerns.

Treatments for Dark Patches on the Skin

  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are a non-invasive procedure. It involves applying a solution to the top-most surface of the skin causing the top layer to peel away. This helps reduce pigmentation, revealing fresher skin beneath. Chemical peels are effective for treating various pigmentation issues, including sunspots and melasma.

  • Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is an injectable procedure. In this skin revitalising  treatment customised cocktail of vitamins, enzymes, and pigmentation-reducing substances is injected into the skin. It's used to target and lighten pigmentation, providing a more even skin tone.

  • Laser Toning: Laser toning uses controlled laser energy to break down melanin in pigmented areas, making it effective for treating pigmentation issues like freckles, sunspots, and age spots.

  • Cosmelan Peel: The Cosmelan Peel is a professional treatment that combines chemical peeling with depigmenting agents to reduce pigmentation. It's particularly effective for melasma and stubborn pigmentation problems.

  • Pink Peel Treatment: The Pink Peel is a gentle chemical peel that exfoliates the skin, reducing pigmentation and improving skin texture. It's suitable for various pigmentation concerns and leaves the skin looking refreshed and revitalised.

  • Derma Infusion Treatment: This treatment involves the use of a specialised device to exfoliate and infuse the skin with serums tailored to target pigmentation issues. It offers a gentle yet effective approach to pigmentation reduction.

Preventative Measures and Home Remedies

While treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of dark patches on the skin, prevention and home remedies also play a vital role in maintaining clear and even-toned skin:

  • Sun Protection: The most crucial step in preventing further hyperpigmentation is to protect your skin from the sun. This includes wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, seeking shade, and wearing protective clothing.

  • Topical Antioxidants: Incorporating antioxidants like vitamin C into your skincare routine can help protect the skin from free radicals and reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

  • Gentle Exfoliation: Exfoliating the skin regularly can help remove dead skin cells, allowing new, even-toned skin to surface.

  • Natural Remedies: Some natural remedies like aloe vera, lemon juice, and licorice extract are believed to have skin-lightening properties. However, use them with caution and consult a dermatologist, as they may not be suitable for all skin types.

  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential for healthy skin. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moisturized and supple.


Dark patches on the skin, or hyperpigmentation, can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness for many individuals. However, with a variety of treatment options available, ranging from topical creams to cosmetic procedures, it's possible to achieve a more even complexion. Prevention, in the form of sun protection and a good skincare routine, is also key to keeping dark patches at bay. Consulting with a dermatologist can help you determine the best approach for your specific skin type and condition, ensuring that you regain confidence in your skin's appearance.

Skin Doctor in chhattarpur Dr. Rajat Gupta

If you are looking for a pigmentation treatment specialist, you can find the best skin doctor in Chhattarpur, Delhi for pigmentation at Skination Clinic. This clinic is managed by Dr. Swati Agarwal (aesthetic treatments skin specialist) and Dr. Rajat Gupta (Expert of laser based treatments). They combinedly provide various non-invasive and laser based pigmentation treatments including Chemical peel, mesotherapy, pink peel etc. To avail the benefits, pay a visit to Skination Clinic now!

Wednesday 6 September 2023

Does Laser Make Peach Fuzz Worse?

 Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to eliminate unwanted hair from several parts of the body, including areas such as the face, arms, legs, bikini line, stomach, back, etc. It also includes areas with peach fuzz or fine, light-colored hair. The procedure emits light energy, which eliminates unwanted hair from several parts of the body and face. While many people consider laser hair removal to permanently reduce their hair, some are doubtful if the procedure damages peach fuzz or vellus hair.

laser hair removal in Faridabad

 By taking insights from the laser experts practicing at the clinic, this blog is going to detail what peach fuzz is and whether lasers make peach fuzz worse. To make the blog enriching and useful for readers there are various skin care facilities, like Skination, that are known for performing the best laser hair removal in Faridabad have shared insights for the same. Read on for more insights.

What is Peach Fuzz and Does Lasers Make it Worse?

Peach fuzz, or vellus hair, is the soft and fine hair that covers the body and face, including the stomach, arms, and legs. The answer to the question, ‘Do lasers make peach fuzz worse?’ is ‘No’. Laser hair removal typically does not make it worse. It works by targeting the hair follicles with laser energy, which destroys the hair and prevents it from growing. The laser energy is attached to the pigment in the hair, which works effectively for darker and coarser hair. This implies that the laser is not likely to affect the fine, soft hair of peach fuzz.

While it can be effective in reducing or eliminating hair in treated areas, it doesn't typically make peach fuzz (fine, vellus hair) worse. In fact, laser hair removal is often used to target and reduce peach fuzz. The procedure works by targeting the melanin in the hair follicles. The lasers emit a beam of light that gets absorbed by the melanin in the hair and converts the light into heat. The heat destroys the hair follicles and prevents future hair growth.

Laser hair removal works by targeting and damaging the hair follicles, which can result in a reduction in hair growth, including fine, light-colored peach fuzz.

However, one must understand that the effectiveness of laser hair removal on peach fuzz can vary depending on a range of factors. This includes the color and thickness of the hair, as well as the individual's skin type. If one is considering laser hair removal to address peach fuzz, it is best to consult with a skilled dermatologist. They will help in assessing the specific hair and offer a personalized treatment plan.

One can consider consulting Dr. Rajat Gupta, the best skin specialist in Faridabad, at Skination Clinic. The expert doctor uses the most advanced triple wavelength lasers, i.e., Primelase HR from Skinnovation, which is the most superior technology internationally available. It is the best-in-class laser, is FDA-approved, effective for all skin types, painless, and offers the highest safety. To avail the benefits of advanced laser hair removal, one can pay a visit to the Skination Clinic today!

Saturday 19 August 2023

6 Benefits of Carbon Laser Treatment

 The carbon laser treatment has become a ground-breaking option in today’s constantly developing field of skincare. It is a treatment for people eager to obtain flawless and refreshed skin. 

Carbon laser Peel

Let's explore the six outstanding advantages that make Carbon Laser Treatment such a popular option for skin rejuvenation. In order to write this blog, references taken from Skination Clinic, a skincare clinic renowned for carbon peel treatment in Faridabad.   

six outstanding advantages makes Carbon Laser Treatment popular for skin rejuvenation

  • Exfoliation and Deep Cleansing: The foundation of radiant skin lies in proper exfoliation and deep cleansing. Carbon Laser Treatment excels in this aspect by utilising a carbon-based lotion that adheres to impurities and dead skin cells on the surface. When the laser is applied, it targets and vaporizes the carbon, carrying away the debris with it. This process effectively unclogs pores, removing blackheads and reducing the risk of breakouts.

  • Improved Skin Texture: The treatment's exfoliating action doesn't just cleanse the skin; it also aids in improving its texture. By removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, the procedure reveals smoother and softer skin underneath, leaving you with a radiant complexion.

  • Minimized Pores: Enlarged pores can often be a source of frustration for individuals striving for flawless skin. Carbon Laser Treatment helps minimize the appearance of pores by thoroughly cleansing them and stimulating collagen production. This dual action results in tighter and more refined pores, giving your skin a polished finish.

  • Reduced Pigmentation: Uneven skin tone, sunspots, and pigmentation issues can make the skin appear dull and aged. The procedure's laser energy targets melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots, breaking it down and promoting its natural removal. Over a series of sessions, you can achieve a more even and luminous complexion.

  • Stimulation of Collagen Production: Collagen, the structural protein responsible for skin firmness and elasticity, diminishes with age. Carbon Laser Treatment induces controlled micro-injuries in the skin, prompting the body to initiate collagen production as part of the healing process. This results in firmer and tighter skin over time.

  • Minimal Downtime: One of the standout advantages of Carbon Laser Treatment is it requires minimal downtime. Unlike more invasive procedures, this treatment requires little to no recovery time. Patients can resume their daily activities almost immediately, making it a convenient option for individuals with busy schedules.


The advantages of carbon laser treatment in the pursuit of beautiful, glowing skin are apparent. This technique offers a complete answer for a range of skin issues, from exfoliation and pore minimization to enhanced skin texture and collagen stimulation. Despite the treatment's outstanding results, a considerer is advised to speak with a skincare expert. To find the best dermatologist in Faridabad, one can pay a visit to the Skination Clinic.