Saturday 20 May 2023

How Effective is Regular Skin Care?

 Skin is the foremost layer that shields the entire body system against dirt, pollution, and contagious diseases. The rapid exposure of skin with such an environment brings various skin issues including dullness, pigmentation, acne, premature ageing, etc. These issues lead to severe damage to an individual's physical and mental health. Regular skincare is a preventive way to keep the skin naturally young and disease free.

skin clinic in Faridabad

In this blog of Skination Clinic, a renowned skin clinic in Faridabad, Dr. Swati Agarwal, a leading skin specialist will address- how everyone can benefit from a regular skin care routine and will provide effective tips for the same.   

benefit from a regular skin care routine

  • Prevent Skin from Skin Disease

Dark spots, painful bumps, eczema are some skin concerns that lead to various complications. But with the help of washing the face twice a day, using a mild cleanser can help to remove dirt, oil, and makeup from the skin. It will help to prevent clogged pores and acne breakouts. 

  • Enhance Skin Tone

Premature ageing caused by irregular lifestyle, ignorance of personal care is also an overall personality and confidence damaging factor. Regular skin care to enhance the skin tone and anti wrinkles injections, vampire facials taken from an expert skin specialist correct the premature ageing signs of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.  

  • Prevent Skin from Environmental Effect 

Skin care of applying medicated sunscreen, covering the skin with cloth, staying hydrated and going out  when it is necessary,  prevent the skin from  side-effects of environmental changes.  However, some people have sensitive skin. A slight change in weather reflects on their skin. Such people are advisable to stay in touch with the best skin doctor in the town.  

  • Psychological Benefits

Regular skin care gives psychological benefits too. It boosts confidence and self-esteem, which can have a positive impact on the  overall well-being.

While regular skin care is effective to stay youthful and confined, here it is important to note that all cosmetics available in the market are not good and cannot give satisfactory results.  In addition to a regular skin care routine, there are other factors that can impact on overall health too. These include diet, exercise, stress management, and getting enough sleep. Taking care of the skin from the inside out can help to support healthy skin function and promote a more youthful and radiant appearance.


Regular skin care is essential for general health and wellbeing. It can defend against environmental harm, aid to improve skin look, and even offer psychological advantages. While it's crucial to pick the right products and apply them consistently, taking care of your skin can support healthy skin function and a more youthful and radiant appearance.

skin doctor in Faridabad

Consult more about skin care with Dr. Swati Agarwal- a leading skin doctor in Faridabad at Skination Clinic

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Waxing Vs Lasers: Which is Better for Hair Removal?

 While shaving is considered convenient and easily done in the shower as a part of the daily schedule, it is counted amongst the least effective methods for removing unwanted hair from the body. 

Laser Hair Removal in Faridabad

Compared to shaving, waxing and laser hair removal are considered better options as they offer longer-lasting results. But which of these two options is considered to be better? 

In this guide, Dr. Swati Agarwal, a leading skin specialist at Skination Clinic, has explained the differences between laser hair removal and waxing. The clinic is known for offering a safe and effective procedure for Laser Hair Removal in Faridabad

Here is a rundown on the differences between waxing and laser hair removal: 

1. Pain

Everyone knows how painful waxing is, whereas laser hair removal, on the other hand, is a completely painless procedure. According to a survey, individuals who underwent laser hair removal reported that the sensation feels similar to a rubber band snapping on the skin. In the first session, slight pain might be felt. However, with subsequent sessions, one won’t experience any pain. 

2. Ingrown Hair 

Waxing has the undesirable disadvantage of increasing the number of ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs form when newly regrown hair fails to break the skin's surface. Waxing can also trigger awkward regrowth as the hair gets pulled out in the opposite direction of the follicles. This ultimately can destroy the hair’s normal growth. On the other hand, laser hair removal does not cause ingrown hair since the harm to the hair follicles does not bend them.

3. Skin Damage

It is completely normal to have redness after waxing, which normally goes away after a few hours. Conversely, waxing can cause long-term skin damage if the wax is excessively hot or peeled off too slowly or at an incorrect angle. When performed by a skilled expert, laser hair removal will never cause skin damage. Laser hair removal's most common adverse effect is a burning sensation along the treated area, which usually goes away after a few hours.

4. Result Duration

Laser hair removal delivers a more permanent result than waxing. Waxing can leave the skin feeling smooth, but only for about a month. But those who get waxed must do it monthly to maintain the results. Waxing works best when the hair has grown back to a few inches. This requires a waiting period between the appointment. Some patients may require quarterly or semi-annual maintenance procedures because new follicles can produce as a result of hormonal or age changes.

5. Cost

Waxing is less expensive than laser hair removal in the short run since a single waxing session is less expensive than a single laser hair removal session. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, has a greater cost (but cost effective in longer run). However, since most patients only require minor touch-ups, the cost of laser hair removal drops considerably. As a result, laser hair removal is a less expensive alternative in the long run as it offers almost permanent results.

laser hair removal

All the pointers mentioned above clearly prove that laser hair removal is far better than waxing. So, say no to painful waxing monthly visits and get the best Laser Hair Removal in Faridabad at Skination Clinic. 

The clinic provides best-in-class, US-FDA-approved and triple wavelength lasers that are effective for all skin types. 

Visit the Skination clinic for more information.